Me and Learning from Home

Good afternoon!

Let me introduce my self. My name is Krisna Jiwani Dewi Dasi, you could call me Krisna. I'm from SAINS 1 class, absent 22. I'm 15 years old. I live at Merpati Street Number 46 Banyubiru

Nowadays, all students must learn from home due to reducing the transmission of the coronavirus. For the "Learning from Home" program, we use online methods of learning. In this online method, I always finish the task given by the teacher as well as I can. To improve my English skills, I apply English to my hobbies. I read English webtoons and use English subtitles in Korean dramas.

The online methods of learning have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of online learning are I can use all of my books in learning and I not prohibited from wearing casual clothes. The disadvantage of online learning is it's quite difficult to show my opinion. But this just a few of my opinion, there are so many advantages and disadvantages of online learning in my mind but I don't have the words to express it. Fortunately, there are no obstacles to my online learning. But sometimes I lose my internet connection because of the bad weather.

Shortly, online methods of learning have a lot of advantages and a lot of disadvantages too. Learn from home, work from home, let's stop COVID 19.

Okay, maybe this the end of my blog. Thank you for reading it and please don't copy my blog, I work hard for it.
